Ghassem Co.

GASZ | Stocks - Fara Bourse
خرده فروشی ( خرده فروشی موادغذایی در فروشگاههای تخصصی )

خرده فروشی

Sub Category:

خرده فروشی موادغذایی در فروشگاههای تخصصی



Last: 3,529 0.98
Close: 3,533 0.87

Last Trade

Feature Amounts Feature Amounts
Open 3,529 Close 3,533 31.00
High 3,579 Low 3,529
Volume 4.618 Million Times 333
Price Range:  4,948 - 5,468 Value 24.18 billion
Base volume 1 Volume limit 1 - 200,000


True Legal
98 Number of buyers -
4.587 Million Purchase volume -
88 Seller number 2
3.739 Million Sales volume 848,485
848,485 Change of ownership 848,485

Ask / Bid

Order Number Buy Sell Number Order
Order1 Number312 Buy5,143 Sell5,175 Number950 Order1
Order2 Number13,000 Buy5,135 Sell5,177 Number5,000 Order1
Order2 Number4,730 Buy5,131 Sell5,180 Number79,909 Order1
Order3 Number54,985 Buy5,130 Sell5,184 Number36,791 Order2
Order3 Number22,000 Buy5,121 Sell5,186 Number1,000 Order1


Fiscal year 2024-03-19
Realization of profit 476 دوره 9 ماهه
سود TTM 687
P/E TTM 7.621


The last assembly 2023-03-20
Real profit 1,033 P/E مجمع 5.07
Cash profit 677
Distribution percentage 65.54 %

Yield and liquidity

3 Months 8.5 % Rank 625
6 Months 2.39 % Rank 541
9 Months 23.31 % Rank 462
1 year old 14.32 % Rank 393
Growth Middle Value
36.652 Thousand billion

Market Value



% 19.58

Free Floating Stocks


Date Close Change % Volume Times
Date : 2024-09-25 12:29:51 Close : 3,564 Change % : 1.27 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-24 12:25:31 Close : 3,610 Change % : 1.55 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-23 12:29:05 Close : 3,555 Change % : 0.71 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-22 12:29:51 Close : 3,530 Change % : 0.03 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-18 12:29:11 Close : 3,529 Change % : 2.53 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-17 12:29:37 Close : 3,442 Change % : 1.93 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-16 12:29:28 Close : 3,377 Change % : 0.53 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-15 12:29:58 Close : 3,395 Change % : 6.66 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-14 12:29:18 Close : 3,183 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-11 12:29:36 Close : 3,183 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-10 12:23:58 Close : 3,183 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-09 12:23:18 Close : 3,183 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-08 12:20:12 Close : 3,183 Change % : 7.28 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-07 12:10:15 Close : 2,967 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333
Date : 2024-09-01 12:05:12 Close : 2,967 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 4.618 Million Times : 333


Symbol Last Volume Market Value
Symbol : REFP Last : 77,400 70,300 Volume : 1,531 Market Value : 66.526 Thousand billion Date : 12:02

Comments & Analysis