
استقلال | Stocks - Fara Bourse
فعالیتهای فرهنگی و ورزشی ( فعالیتهای ورزشی )

فعالیتهای فرهنگی و ورزشی

Sub Category:

فعالیتهای ورزشی



Last: 1,786 16.12
Close: 1,538 0.00

Last Trade

Feature Amounts Feature Amounts
Open 1,786 Close 1,538 0.00
High 1,786 Low 1,786
Volume 1.013 Million Times 92
Price Range:  1,513 - 1,573 Value 1.53 billion
Base volume 6.365 Million Volume limit 1 - 200,000


True Legal
14 Number of buyers -
1.01 Million Purchase volume -
65 Seller number 2
708,634 Sales volume 301,030
301,030 Change of ownership 301,030

Ask / Bid

Order Number Buy Sell Number Order
Order2 Number56,028 Buy1,513 Sell1,550 Number3,059 Order4
Order0 Number0 Buy0 Sell1,559 Number41,903 Order1
Order0 Number0 Buy0 Sell1,560 Number3,435 Order5
Order0 Number0 Buy0 Sell1,561 Number16,030 Order1
Order0 Number0 Buy0 Sell1,562 Number2,060 Order2


Fiscal year 2023-07-22
Realization of profit -302 دوره 6 ماهه
سود TTM -72
P/E TTM -21.361


The last assembly 2022-07-22
Real profit -72 P/E مجمع -21.36
Cash profit -
Distribution percentage -

Yield and liquidity

3 Months 9.55 % Rank 708
6 Months 15.78 % Rank 715
9 Months 13.07 % Rank 718
1 year old 13.41 % Rank 714
Growth Middle Value
16.597 Thousand billion

Market Value




Free Floating Stocks


Date Close Change % Volume Times
Date : 2024-08-14 09:33:37 Close : 1,538 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 1.013 Million Times : 92
Date : 2024-08-13 10:25:18 Close : 1,538 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 1.013 Million Times : 92
Date : 2024-08-12 11:02:33 Close : 1,538 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 1.013 Million Times : 92
Date : 2024-08-10 09:15:03 Close : 1,538 Change % : 17.22 Volume : 1.013 Million Times : 92
Date : 2024-08-07 00:00:00 Close : 1,858 Change % : 0.00 Volume : - Times : -
Date : 2024-08-06 00:00:00 Close : 1,858 Change % : 0.00 Volume : - Times : -
Date : 2024-08-05 00:00:00 Close : 1,858 Change % : 0.96 Volume : 137,995 Times : 5
Date : 2024-08-04 00:00:00 Close : 1,876 Change % : 0.00 Volume : - Times : -
Date : 2024-08-03 00:00:00 Close : 1,876 Change % : 0.00 Volume : - Times : -
Date : 2024-07-31 00:00:00 Close : 1,876 Change % : 0.00 Volume : - Times : -
Date : 2024-07-30 00:00:00 Close : 1,876 Change % : 0.00 Volume : - Times : -
Date : 2024-07-29 00:00:00 Close : 1,876 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 1,000 Times : 1
Date : 2024-07-27 00:00:00 Close : 1,876 Change % : 0.05 Volume : 83,800 Times : 3
Date : 2024-07-24 00:00:00 Close : 1,877 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 64,984 Times : 2
Date : 2024-07-23 00:00:00 Close : 1,877 Change % : 0.00 Volume : - Times : -


Symbol Last Volume Market Value
Symbol : پرسپولیس Last : 155.00 1,711 Volume : 306,745 Market Value : 19.621 Thousand billion Date : 2024-08-26

Comments & Analysis