بیمه زندگی کاریزما

کاریز | Stocks - Fara Bourse
بیمه و بازنشستگی ( بیمه زندگی )

بیمه و بازنشستگی

Sub Category:

بیمه زندگی



Last: 2,883 7.48
Close: 3,116 0.00

Last Trade

Feature Amounts Feature Amounts
Open 2,883 Close 3,116 0.00
High 2,883 Low 2,883
Volume 257,774 Times 10
Price Range:  2,939 - 3,119 Value 803.23 Million
Base volume 1 Volume limit 1 - 200,000


True Legal
4 Number of buyers -
257,774 Purchase volume -
8 Seller number -
257,774 Sales volume -
- Change of ownership -

Ask / Bid

Order Number Buy Sell Number Order
Order1 Number15,000 Buy3,050 Sell3,115 Number5,000 Order1
Order2 Number233,000 Buy3,013 Sell3,118 Number6,984 Order1
Order1 Number98,000 Buy3,012 Sell3,119 Number452,678 Order4
Order1 Number16,701 Buy3,000 Sell3,189 Number50,000 Order1
Order1 Number200,000 Buy2,990 Sell3,199 Number200,000 Order1


Fiscal year 2024-03-19
Realization of profit 205 دوره 9 ماهه
سود TTM 274
P/E TTM 11.372


The last assembly 2023-03-20
Real profit 161 P/E مجمع 19.35
Cash profit 20
Distribution percentage 12.42 %

Yield and liquidity

3 Months 16.32 % Rank 1123
6 Months 2.85 % Rank 1123
9 Months 35.99 % Rank 1123
1 year old 117.79 % Rank 1123
Growth Middle Value
7.478 Thousand billion

Market Value




Free Floating Stocks


Date Close Change % Volume Times
Date : 2024-09-25 12:23:56 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-24 12:26:43 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-23 12:29:32 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-22 10:36:10 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-18 11:38:12 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-17 12:20:56 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-16 09:06:26 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-15 09:00:55 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-14 11:20:52 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-11 10:03:27 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-10 12:24:40 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-09 11:49:04 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-08 16:52:39 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-07 09:07:38 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10
Date : 2024-09-01 12:23:01 Close : 3,116 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 257,774 Times : 10


Symbol Last Volume Market Value
Symbol : باران Last : 219.00 1,620 Volume : 1.756 Million Market Value : 4.414 Thousand billion Date : 10:48
Symbol : بهامرز Last : 453.00 953 Volume : 720 Million Market Value : 1.2 Thousand billion Date : 12:29
Symbol : بزندگی Last : - 1,000 Volume : 359.996 Million Market Value : - Date : 2023-03-15

Comments & Analysis