
MOTJ | Stocks - Exchange
دستگاههای برقی ( موتور مولد مبدل الکتریکی )

دستگاههای برقی

Sub Category:

موتور مولد مبدل الکتریکی



Last: 1,775 2.42
Close: 1,819 0.00

Last Trade

Feature Amounts Feature Amounts
Open 1,782 Close 1,819 0.00
High 1,800 Low 1,765
Volume 2.097 Million Times 213
Price Range:  2,223 - 2,557 Value 4.94 billion
Base volume 8.059 Million Volume limit 1 - 400,000


True Legal
91 Number of buyers 1
1.988 Million Purchase volume 108,300
47 Seller number -
2.097 Million Sales volume -
108,300 Change of ownership 108,300

Ask / Bid

Order Number Buy Sell Number Order
Order5 Number12,060 Buy2,345 Sell2,350 Number128,749 Order1
Order5 Number23,986 Buy2,344 Sell2,351 Number13,140 Order1
Order1 Number2,150 Buy2,342 Sell2,352 Number9,888 Order2
Order4 Number27,500 Buy2,341 Sell2,354 Number20,000 Order1
Order7 Number28,832 Buy2,340 Sell2,355 Number310,000 Order1


Fiscal year 2024-09-21
Realization of profit 80 دوره 3 ماهه
سود TTM 333
P/E TTM 7.146


The last assembly 2023-09-22
Real profit 463 P/E مجمع 5.14
Cash profit 410
Distribution percentage 88.55 %

Yield and liquidity

3 Months 8.2 % Rank 640
6 Months 11.82 % Rank 520
9 Months 17.99 % Rank 589
1 year old 28.71 % Rank 565
Growth Middle Value
47.969 Thousand billion

Market Value



% 12.67

Free Floating Stocks


Date Close Change % Volume Times
Date : 2024-07-24 12:29:36 Close : 1,819 Change % : 0.33 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-23 12:28:49 Close : 1,825 Change % : 0.33 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-22 12:22:34 Close : 1,831 Change % : 1.29 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-21 12:29:18 Close : 1,855 Change % : 1.59 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-20 12:28:27 Close : 1,885 Change % : 1.46 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-17 12:29:48 Close : 1,913 Change % : 0.52 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-14 12:29:54 Close : 1,923 Change % : 0.57 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-13 12:29:47 Close : 1,934 Change % : 0.77 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-10 12:27:42 Close : 1,949 Change % : 0.76 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-09 12:29:49 Close : 1,964 Change % : 0.81 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-08 12:29:36 Close : 1,980 Change % : 5.26 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-07-07 12:29:10 Close : 1,881 Change % : 9.96 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-06-19 12:25:15 Close : 2,089 Change % : 1.56 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-06-18 12:08:23 Close : 2,057 Change % : 1.58 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213
Date : 2024-06-16 12:29:35 Close : 2,025 Change % : 1.36 Volume : 2.097 Million Times : 213


Symbol Last Volume Market Value
Symbol : NIRP Last : 4,950 11,270 Volume : 790,153 Market Value : 4.866 Thousand billion Date : 09:22
Symbol : TRNS Last : 18.00 1,796 Volume : 5.428 Million Market Value : 99.853 Thousand billion Date : 2024-07-22
Symbol : NIRO Last : 16.00 2,289 Volume : 2.367 Million Market Value : 32.655 Thousand billion Date : 09:28

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