Iran Carbon

CRBN | Stocks - Exchange
شیمیایی ( سایر محصولات شیمیایی )


Sub Category:

سایر محصولات شیمیایی



Last: 8,300 0.60
Close: 8,320 0.36

Last Trade

Feature Amounts Feature Amounts
Open 8,230 Close 8,320 30.00
High 8,450 Low 8,160
Volume 2.356 Million Times 184
Price Range:  5,720 - 6,580 Value 14.5 billion
Base volume 2.554 Million Volume limit 1 - 200,000


True Legal
24 Number of buyers 3
617,305 Purchase volume 1.644 Million
31 Seller number 1
953,019 Sales volume 1.308 Million
335,714 Change of ownership 335,714

Ask / Bid

Order Number Buy Sell Number Order
Order16 Number138,487 Buy6,130 Sell6,140 Number76,870 Order3
Order29 Number457,400 Buy6,120 Sell6,150 Number99,000 Order1
Order29 Number510,740 Buy6,110 Sell6,200 Number199,931 Order4
Order32 Number587,680 Buy6,100 Sell6,210 Number4,175 Order4
Order37 Number646,450 Buy6,090 Sell6,220 Number10,000 Order5


Fiscal year 2024-03-19
Realization of profit 555 دوره 9 ماهه
سود TTM 915
P/E TTM 6.732


The last assembly 2023-03-20
Real profit 639 P/E مجمع 9.64
Cash profit 563
Distribution percentage 88.11 %

Yield and liquidity

3 Months 10.41 % Rank 184
6 Months 24.75 % Rank 185
9 Months 30.35 % Rank 189
1 year old 105.48 % Rank 202
Growth Middle Value
39.332 Thousand billion

Market Value



% 49.63

Free Floating Stocks


Date Close Change % Volume Times
Date : 2024-07-24 12:29:50 Close : 8,320 Change % : 0.36 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-23 12:29:50 Close : 8,350 Change % : 6.81 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-14 12:29:52 Close : 8,960 Change % : 0.22 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-13 12:29:57 Close : 8,980 Change % : 1.47 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-10 12:29:54 Close : 8,850 Change % : 1.38 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-09 12:29:42 Close : 8,730 Change % : 0.11 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-08 12:29:48 Close : 8,740 Change % : 3.32 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-07 12:29:57 Close : 9,040 Change % : 0.33 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-06 12:29:04 Close : 9,070 Change % : 5.96 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-03 12:29:51 Close : 8,560 Change % : 0.23 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-02 12:29:59 Close : 8,580 Change % : 2.88 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-07-01 12:29:57 Close : 8,340 Change % : 4.12 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-06-30 12:30:00 Close : 8,010 Change % : 3.61 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-06-29 12:29:13 Close : 8,310 Change % : 5.06 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184
Date : 2024-06-26 12:25:46 Close : 7,910 Change % : 1.28 Volume : 2.356 Million Times : 184


Symbol Last Volume Market Value
Symbol : DODE Last : 10.00 6,110 Volume : 872,797 Market Value : 22.642 Thousand billion Date : 2024-07-24
Symbol : PETR Last : 180.00 38,440 Volume : 77,764 Market Value : 67.358 Thousand billion Date : 2024-07-24
Symbol : SDFZ Last : 270.00 13,800 Volume : 65,799 Market Value : 25.48 Thousand billion Date : 2024-07-24
Symbol : BSRZ Last : 230.00 12,360 Volume : 2.466 Million Market Value : 71.375 Thousand billion Date : 2024-07-24

Comments & Analysis