Afra Namad ETF

AFRN | Funds - Exchange
صندوق سرمایه گذاری قابل معامله ( صندوق سرمایه گذاری در اوراق با درآمد ثابت )

صندوق سرمایه گذاری قابل معامله

Sub Category:

صندوق سرمایه گذاری در اوراق با درآمد ثابت



Last: 27,743 12.38
Close: 24,687 0.00

Last Trade

Feature Amounts Feature Amounts
Open 27,743 Close 24,687 0.00
High 27,744 Low 27,743
Volume 36.003 Million Times 1,919
Price Range:  22,202 - 27,134 Value 888.81 billion
Base volume 1 Volume limit 1 - 1,000,000


True Legal
932 Number of buyers 6
21.235 Million Purchase volume 14.729 Million
714 Seller number 13
19.91 Million Sales volume 16.054 Million
1.325 Million Change of ownership 1.325 Million

Ask / Bid

Order Number Buy Sell Number Order
Order69 Number218,719,572 Buy24,687 Sell24,688 Number63,914,898 Order3
Order4 Number1,035,521 Buy24,686 Sell24,689 Number1,096,260 Order10
Order2 Number1,000,600 Buy24,685 Sell24,690 Number2,000,000 Order1
Order2 Number1,002,000 Buy24,684 Sell24,691 Number1,000,000 Order1
Order1 Number1,000,000 Buy24,683 Sell24,692 Number1,000,500 Order2

Yield and liquidity

3 Months 6.34 %
6 Months 13.08 %
9 Months 20.37 %
1 year old 27.89 %


Date Close Change % Volume Times
Date : 2024-07-24 14:59:59 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-23 14:59:59 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-22 14:59:57 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-21 14:59:58 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-20 14:59:59 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-17 14:59:59 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-14 14:59:59 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-13 14:59:57 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-10 14:59:58 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-09 14:59:57 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-08 15:28:41 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-07 14:59:58 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-06 10:55:37 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-03 14:59:59 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919
Date : 2024-07-02 14:59:59 Close : 24,687 Change % : 0.00 Volume : 36.003 Million Times : 1,919


Symbol Last Volume Market Value
Symbol : FATF Last : 7,757 73,358 Volume : 10.581 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:38
Symbol : SGAF Last : 1,759 16,528 Volume : 9.883 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:38
Symbol : SSNF Last : 45.00 10,122 Volume : 37,755 Market Value : - Date : 10:35
Symbol : FKOF Last : 7,034 64,768 Volume : 2.26 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:35
Symbol : FPAF Last : 50.00 10,157 Volume : 10.521 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:37
Symbol : FKNF Last : 6,286 57,824 Volume : 9.396 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:38
Symbol : امینیکم Last : 34.00 10,031 Volume : 38.096 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:36
Symbol : KMND Last : 44.00 10,156 Volume : 24.747 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:38
Symbol : FIRO Last : 5,120 47,054 Volume : 3.834 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:38
Symbol : AVSF Last : 3,972 37,854 Volume : 5.468 Million Market Value : - Date : 10:24

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